Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Downloadable PDF Pamphlet

Here is the link to download a PDF of the official Question Gravity pamphlet. It poses 15 questions that no gravitationalist can satisfactorily answer. It is a trifold, doublesided, pamphlet that can be printed anywhere. Yours for the choosing, no purchase necessary, it's our way of saying thank you for fighting the good fight.


Now Available in Spanish:


  1. On September 8th, 1968, Wright predicted; "The universe will accelerate and expand forever because gravity is a PUSH between bodies in space."

    Science News, March 1998, page 185; "Not only will the universe expand forever, it will do so at an ever increasing rate." (NOTE: 30 years later)

    You can't explain that Gravitationalists!

  2. Is there any other site I can download the PDF from? Scribd won't let me download unless I either upload a document of my own (which I have none), or pay them a monthly subscription fee.

  3. Umm ... It is NOT "free." Must be another Gravitationist plot to extract hard-earned cash from true believers.

  4. On the Arguments Against Gravity page, in the Clouds: section, there is a misspelling. Should be glass, not class.

    Sorry, didn't know how else to contact. Feel free to delete this post. Good luck, and this site is an awesome rebuttal!

  5. This is the most gloriously wonderful satire I've ever read. It truly sounded like arguments an ignorant creationist would make.

  6. Q1: "Gravity means that things fall down." Wrong! Gravity means that masses attract each other. What does the attraction of masses have to do with the universe coming "from nothing"?

  7. Q2: Masses attract each other. A big mass attracts a small mass stronger, the small mass accelerates twords the big mass --> falling

  8. Q3: Attraction of masses. Here's a video showing it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym6nlwvQZnE&index=21&list=PLrSKB20XhqHK4iuytLCmjBFRQQId8a6LD
    And since when do we not know how magnets work?

  9. Q4: Here you ask "How is it able to move without us moving it?" Then you claim "wind is not a valid answer". If that's not the biggest BS I've ever heard. Wind is a perfect example of how matter can be moved WITHOUT US MOVING IT. Just because it's not the same as gravity, does not mean it's not a perfect example to answer your question.
    And "Since we can’t see gravity, we can savely assume it is not there (this of course does not apply to God)"... because reasons... Double standard anyone

  10. Q5: In science "laws" are just literal and mathematical descriptions of what can be observed. This "behaviour" originates form the fundamental properties of energy and matter. It's in no way like a juridical law or commandment.

    Q6: You've demonstrated nothing. Just flung out baseless assumptions, strawmen and ignorance.

  11. Q7: F = G mM/r^2. M = Mass of the earth. m = Mass of anything else. Density = m/V (Mass per unit of volume). The mass of 1 litre of air is greater than that of the same volume of helium. Therefore the gravitational pull on the air is stronger, pulling it beneath the ballon and lifting it up.

  12. Q8: "Down" is defined by gravity. People that were on zero-g flights say that they lost every feeling for "up" and "down". "Down" is just the direction you are pulled towards.

    Q9: I can't believe I have to explain this... The moon is orbiting the earth. Why does it do that? Because it has a speed perpendicular to the gravitational pull of the earth, therefore it's "missing" the earth. Looking at it from the other side: Take a yo-yo, unroll it and let spin around your finger/hand without winding the strand around it. The strand symbolizes gravity, keeping your yo-yo in "orbit". If you cut the strand your yo-yo would fly away, just like the moon would fly away, if there was no gravity... Same goes for the earth and the other planets going around the sun. And the stars are so far away, they don't even feel the gravitational pull of earth... Just take a look in ONE highschool textbook. I'm sure that would cure your confusion...

  13. Q10: The airflow above the wings is faster than beneath them, creating a pressure difference, manifesting as LIFT. You know, that's why airplanes HAVE these wings instead of looking like giant busses or bullets...

    Q11: Actually you are refering to the "Big Bang" Theory (that's got nothing to do with evolution). And it was not an explosion, but the sudden expansion of spacetime, causing a tiny tiny spot of energy to expand, cool down, produce the first subatomic particles due to energy-to-mass conversion and so on and so on. Gravity is just one of the effects of the fundamental properties of matter and energy.

    Q12: Well, I guess there are idiots everywhere, whether they believe gravity is real or not. No sane person would say that moral codes come from gravity. By the way: Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian and christian, with the belt-buckles of the SS saying "God with us", so go F**K OFF!

  14. Q13: You mean like the ISS, Satellites, and space travel? The orbits are only possible, because we know about gravity...

    Q14: God does not exist! This is so true I don't even need to provide evidence or citation. See? I can claim BS, too! OF COURSE CITATION IS NEEDED. And even if he said so on his dying bed: Even the greatest minds of history err sometimes. And since I've already established that gravity has nothing to do with morals: THAT'S GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER! By the way: If you think, believing in magic sky daddy and asking him for forgiveness once a week (or once in your life before you die), means being accountable for your actions...

    Q15: Well, since the attraction of masses CAN be shown and all observations we make are consistent with it, these two guys seem to be quite wrong.

    So all in all I see strawmen and still can't decide, whether you're just ignorant, or not such a big fan of the ninth commandment...
